Елена Милова обратилась в рабочую группу ООН по целям устойчивого развития с предложением бороться со старением

Елена Милова подготовила обращение, в котором предлагается принять во внимание риски, которые несет с собой старение населения, дисбаланс долей трудоспособного населения и населения пенсионного возраста, и признать борьбу со старением одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности. В данном документе предлагается сосредоточить усилия на трех ключевых факторах - финансирование научных исследований биологии старения, усовершенствование законодательства, касающегося научного поиска, разработки и внедения геропротекторных технологий, и глобальной информационной кампании, направленной на популяризацию идеи управления старения среди населения. Полный текст обращения приведен ниже.


We are pleased to note that the document contains the most important issues related to social and economic development. But our knowledge and experience in the domain of ageing control promotion necessitates us to expand the vision of Focus Area 3.

Populations ageing represents a major achievement of our civilization, as life expectancy grows all around the world. But in the same time, we must admit, that the growing share of elderly is a risk for many national economics, taking into account the on-going decrease of birthrate and working manpower, which leads to high social and healthcare expenditure without adequate budget replenishment [1].

Degenerative ageing processes are the major underlying cause of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cancer, ischemic heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, blindness and other. Mental health deterioration forms the largest cause of disability in the world, responsible for over 20% of years lived with disability. Ageing also increases the risk of morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases like pneumonia and influenza, and susceptibility to injury and trauma. As the consequence of elderly disability, many other problems arise: social isolation, human rights violation, discrimination, poverty are only few to mention.

It's time to draw the attention of global society to the fact, that the processes behind deteriorative ageing were intensively studied lately, and were recognized to be amenable to biomedical interventions [2]. More than that, many remedies and therapies slowing down and even reversing ageing are being already tested in animals and in humans. With enough public approval and governmental support of the further studies, they can be quickly advanced and their results massively implemented, giving a new approach to the problem of ageing population. The purpose of preventive medicine for the elderly is to preserve health of an ageing individual so as to prevent or reverse functional decline and incapability to contribute to the development of society and economy, as well as to personal development. Meanwhile, preventive medicine for the adults is expected to keep their biological age (and correspondingly good health) as close to their 30ties as possible for additional years. These measures can prevent and significantly postpone most of NCDs, helping to regain the share of working manpower and to ease the burden of social and healthcare expenditure. 

Therefore we urge governments and intergovernmental agencies to declare that degenerative ageing is a curable syndrome and to undertake necessary actions, such as: 
- to prioritize funding for translational biogerontology research, to increase significantly its volume;
- to provide legislation favorable for registering therapies to prevent and treat debilitating ageing process, for their translation into clinical practice and broad public access to them;
- to start public information campaign aimed to promote ageing prevention measures.

[1] World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/
[2] http://www.sens.org/research/recent-publications